The Freda Patchwork Picnic Rug




The Freda Patchwork Picnic Rug 

A combined love of the outdoors and making memories, long-time friends Spell and Wandering Folk were destined to create. This rug is a fusion of a signature Spell print combined with the Wandering Folk quality, crafted from organic cotton and recycled PET polyester canvas with a waterproof coating.

Made for all adventures of this wild ride we call life.

 The rug is earth friendly, made from 100% organic cotton with a 100% Recycled PET and comes in a special extra-large size! Finished with cotton mustard fringing, embroidered cotton label and comes with its own unique brown woven carry strap.

A little story from our founder Sharnee, about how she connected with Spell 7 years ago ….

 It all began when a friend of mine gifted one of my picnic rugs to her client who runs a successful beauty brand in Sydney, she was so kind to call me up raving about how much she LOVED my product and how I must reach out to her friend Lizzy at Spell because they would be so perfect in their boutique, this was 2016. 

Lizzy loved the picnic rugs and placed an order of 100 Rugs; I’m pretty sure I cried with excitement as this was my second wholesale store order after so many years of hard work. At this stage I was still packing orders on my bed and stored all the stock in our tiny Sydney apartment, this order was a HUGE deal for me!

My relationship with Spell has bloomed over the years, Lizzy has always been a great support whenever I had any burning business questions that I couldn’t find the answers to, and I now call some of the Spell team dear friends of mine.

It was so special to feel like part of a small business community when I finally made the move home to the Northern Rivers after living away for 8 years. I have the Spell team to thank for this.

 I’ve been wishing for this collaboration with Spell for many years, so it really is a dream come true to watch this unfold.

 We hope you love this collaboration as much as we have loved creating it.

Sharnee xx

Photoshoot credits

Photographer - Karissa Sparke

Production - Spell

Styling & BTS shots - Ash Evans 

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