Mother, artist and creator Nicole Holley (@Lennonandbirdiehandmade) gave us a little insight into her life in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada. She speaks about the things most important to her in everyday life and gave us a glimpse of what inspires her to continue creating. We are moved by her efforts to spread positive awareness around conscious living and saving our planet, Nicole is a creative dreamer and nature lover.
Tell us a little about yourself, where you live and your family life?
My family and I are living in British Columbia Canada on the outskirts of Vancouver. We're lucky enough to be surrounded by some of the world's most breathtaking landscapes, farms and many local markets. My husband travels to the city for work while I work from home and care for our girls and pup. We’re a creative family. My husband works in the film industry and plays nearly every instrument under the sun in his spare time. I like to think of myself as an artistic dreamer with an old soul and a deep love for mother nature. Our daughters Lennon and Ivy-Bird are strong, beautiful, busy little ladies with adventure seeking personalities. When we're not hiking and playing outdoors there is a lot of singing, kitchen dance parties and messy paint projects in our home. We're a close family really striving for a simple and intentional life. Teaching our babies about the earth, kindness and respect to all creatures. I find that we all do better when we're soaking in the sun and fresh air spending time together.
What are the essential parts of your everyday life?
For me it's the simple things. A strong cup of coffee in the morning, some quality time with my girls before sending them off to school, creating, sunshine and some fresh air.
What are your go-to camping and picnic items?
Currently we are training our six month old golden retriever pup Peach. So we're mostly taking in day trips. Our means of travel is our ev. We have some really nice charging stops through the mountains where we can take in a hike and a picnic while we charge up the vehicle. With the weather here being capable of anything up in the mountains we bring our wandering folk picnic rug, extra blankets, good hiking boots for all, fresh fruit and veggies, lots of water and our pup Peach! If we plan on staying and resting for awhile we bring crafts, books and my husband's guitar.
Where does your inspiration come from behind your handmade pieces?
I take alot from nature. All the different textures, landscapes, creatures and seasons. It's hard not to be inspired here. I have total respect for artisans that have been perfecting their craft for generations. There is nothing like a handmade piece. It's a person's vision brought to life that carries a piece of their soul forever and they are sending out into the universe. That in it's self is very beautiful and inspiring.
You started the #saveourplanetraiseahippie, do you have any advice for others wanting to live a little more consciously and tread a little lighter?
Making changes to your lifestyle to reduce waste and live more consciously doesn’t have to be hard. I would say to start with one change, and keep at it for a few weeks. Once it’s become second nature you can move on to a new one. For our family it helps if we get our children involved, which they both really enjoy. Some easy examples that have worked for us are buying second hand, this has served us well for the pieces in our home and some of our clothes. Go chemical free and make your own green cleaners (this one has been my favorite change for us. It feels good not to be bringing all those hash toxic chemicals into our home and our girls enjoy helping me make the cleaners) Shop at a bulk foods store that sells your pantry items loosely and bring your own jars and resealable bags. Buy local! support your local farmers and community.
Lastly teach your babies about the earth and it's creatures and why it needs saving! After all they are the future leaders.