An interview with Paris Verra The traveling goddess of the Middle East

Paris Verra ~ traveling goddess of the Middle East, takes her Wandering Folk on some dreamy adventures. We were curious to know more about her life - living in Saudi Arabia with an addiction to travel. She has an incredible story to tell, not to mention the mind blowing photos she captures along the way...


Paris… our dreamy travelling goddess!
Your photos are the most divine we have ever seen, it’s so interesting that you are based in Saudi Arabia. Can you tell us a little about your life in Saudi and where you are from originally?

Thank you so much for your love and the beautiful compliments. I love sharing how I see the world and to hopefully inspire others to venture out through my photography. I am originally from Chicago/Los Angeles in the USA, but after visiting my Mum that works in Saudi Arabia over 2 years ago, I fell in love and decided to make Saudi my home base. My life here is nothing like I had ever imagined it to be, and I think that’s what appealed so much to me from the start. Amongst popular disbelief, as a woman- it is the safest country I have ever been and filled with not only the most beautiful untouched vast landscapes in the world, but the most hospitable, caring, and loving culture of people.


It’s obvious you have a huge passion for traveling, when did your urge to see the world start?

When I was 13 years old my mom took me on my first trip out of the country; to the 3rd world country of Honduras to volunteer at a village school for 2 weeks. However, it wasn’t until I graduated highschool that I began eager to experience/see other places. So at 18 I moved on my own to Los Angeles, went to college, worked 2 jobs, got into acting, road tripped all over America on the weekends, and eventually saved enough money to start my own backpacking trips all over the world. After first going to Thailand, then Bali, then across Europe… I bought my first camera and taught myself how to use it/edit. I found it impossible to return to my life style in the USA after my experiences overseas, so I broke my apartment lease in Los Angeles and spent the next year traveling place to place. Best decision I ever made.



With traveling restrictions in place, how have you been spending your time? Have you taken up any new hobbies?

Actually at the beginning of the year I was going to take a month break (longest I had taken since I began traveling), to catch up on life, edits, work on new skills, etc. Then Covid happened and forced me months home here in Saudi; although it took lots of adjusting it definitely was beneficial for me. We had strict curfew for months and borders are still closed to this day so I have been able to rediscover my love for fitness and health/cleansing as well as discovering new hobbies such as gardening and reading. Also, I was able to finally road trip around the country this summer with Wandering Folk which was my highlight.


What are 3 things that most of your followers don’t know about you that you would like to share?

 1. I’m a crazy cat lady. You will find me feeding/cuddling cats around the world.
2. I stopped going to college, did what made me happy, learned skills from youtube that I had interest in, and now I make a living from doing what I enjoyed doing, naturally.
3. I’m obsessed with green juice and smoothies, nothing makes me more excited than finding it on my destinations. But don’t let that fool you; cheesecake is still my favourite dessert and I cannot resist it.  


When we are free to travel abroad again, what is the first place on your list to go? And why?

 I would love to return to Jordan and Bali. Both different, but feel like home to me; I could visit over and over again. Norway road tripping in the summer is another must; there’s no words to describe the beauty and freedom of this. As for a new destination, I’d love to discover Switzerland and the Dolomites. (It’s impossible to choose just one lol)



What are your picnic essentials?

My dream, favourite combination would be: A Wandering Folk rug, an Amber glass of red wine, popcorn, and great company overlooking a secluded beautiful view point.



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