Megan is the ultimate travelling mum, wife and owner of bohemian clothing brand Daughters of India. We step inside her life in the Banjo bus for a while and ask her about her recent adventures.
Can you introduce yourself and your family and tell us a little about your everyday life?
My name is Megan & our family consists of my husband Greg along with our four children. Jarvis, Mabel, Bonnie & Milli. We packed up our life & our home last year & in December 2019 we took off in our bus to show the kids Australia & live life in the slow lane!
As each week & month goes by we fall into a deeper flow of life on the road. Our days consist of exploring the new towns we are in, depending on where we are either surfing or bush walking. Exploring new beaches or currently chasing waterfalls & hot springs, as we are travelling through the Northern Territory at the moment.
The mornings are slow, which is such a beautiful change from the busy school runs back home!
We have been on the road for 9 months so far, with at this stage another 3-4 months to go before we start to head home.
To make the flow of living in a bus with 6 people easier, you definitely need to have minimal possessions! Decluttering & shedding most of our things from our home before we left was such a nice process. It really makes you realise how little we actually need!
A fridge full of fresh produce & the water tanks in the bus
filled is a great feeling as it means we are set to head out into the wild for quite a few days without needing shops. We can normally go about 4-5 days before we need to check in somewhere to fill up our water tanks & food supply’s.
You are a mum, business owner and full time bus traveller – how do you juggle everything and what part of your daily ritual you look forward to most?
Yes the days can fill up pretty quickly even when you’re on the road, but there’s definitely a sense of freedom when there isn’t a specific schedule that you have to stick to. In between all the fun things, we try to fit in a little bit of work & also a little bit of school work (which I have realised this trip that I am not made to be a teacher)
I’m very lucky to have my own business that I love so much that the time I get each day to check in & focus on what I’m working on makes me feel happy & grateful.
But my favourite part of the day has to be the mornings! Waking up in our bus every morning is a reminder of how lucky we are to be living our dream, (starting the day feeling grateful is such a beautiful way to start each day) followed by coffee bought to me in bed by my husband, closely followed by my sleepy babies sneaking into my bed for cuddles. The best!!
With everything going on in the world right now, have you had a chance to slow down? What have been some positive changes or adjustments that you have been embracing?
What a year to travel right!? Before we hit the road no one could have expected this wild time. We were completely blessed with being in the right places at the right times & have still been able to travel quite freely. Apart from lockdown, where we spent a beautiful 4 months getting cosi in one of my favourite places, Streaky Bay, SA. We all loved it so much we enrolled the kids in at the local school for a few months. Which gave us a really wonderful experience of getting to know the town and surroundings really well & making life long friends with some of the locals.
What are your picnic must-haves?
A view or a campfire! My Wandering Folk rug of course! Depending on the time of day, either a tea or a red wine. On the road sometimes if your quite remote fresh fruit & veg can be hard to come by at times, so definitely a platter of colourful fresh produce
If you can give one piece of advice to anyone wanting to live on the road what would it be?
Take those first steps! If you don’t make it happen, then it’s not going to magically happen for you! Go & buy that dream bus (or whatever transport you are dreaming up) & then it will really feel real! Work through the challenges or the things that are holding you back from living life on the road. I also found once we had made the big decision, we started to live our life with this plan as our main goal & life started falling into place just the way we needed it too!