Monique & Jasper (@Saltytravellers) are living our absolute dream life on the road in their 1989 troopy, they have been far and wide travelling the coast and seeing the sights of Australia. We have been following their journey for quite some time now and were delighted to be able to get to know them better and learn about their amazing journey so far.
They share with us some of the hidden treasures they have discovered along the way and give us tips on how to live a happy and comfortable (and not to mention totally picturesque) life on the road.

Give us some insight about yourselves and the path that lead you to where you are today?
We were brought up in a small, beachy town called Noosa Heads located on the East Coast of Australia. So from a young age we had always felt like the ocean was our second home, a place that would eventually bring the two of us together and inspire us to explore the unknown. Our adventurous ideas began back in 2016 when we’d realised that we hadn’t made much of an effort to explore our country’s backyard. Australia has some of the best beaches and waves in the world so the excitement to explore that together was what inspired us to hit the open road.

What does travelling mean to you?
For us, traveling is about stepping out of our comfort zone, getting off the beaten track, taking a chance on something new and opening our hearts to different experiences. Life is constantly a surprise, you never really have it all figured out. If anything, you realise that you don’t really know what you’re doing or where you’re going half the time. You’re constantly changing direction, changing plans, learning from your mistakes and growing along the way.
Tell us about your 1989 Troopy and why you chose this over a more common campervan?
We love our old girl Big Ol’ Bell, she’s definitely not the flashiest rig getting around on the road but she sure is tough, reliable and cosy. She’s taken us on some wild adventures and continues to surprise us when we tackle some of the harsh Aussie terrain. Travelling in an older Troopy felt somewhat iconic to us, something we will always be able to look back and cherish when we’re older.

Can you describe the sensory experience while travelling Australia?
Travelling Australia can bring a whole range of senses and emotions. Living a life without an everyday routine causes your experiences to constantly change. One day you could be feeling entirely free and ambitious, then the next your senses have completely taken a turn bringing stress, anxiety or fear. However, these continual changes are why the open road is so exciting, reminding us to always live in the moment and embrace every situation.
Your Instagram and blog showcase a beautiful collection of Australian destinations. This is a hard one, but what are your absolute top places to date?
Thank you so much! This is definitely the hardest question to answer as there are so many places that we’ve enjoyed exploring. These are just some of the top places we’re planning to visit again soon: Fraser Island, Tasmania, Eyre Peninsula, Esperance and Margaret River.

Do you have memorable people or an unforgettable moment that you’d like to share from your adventure so far?
There are so many memorable people on our travels, we’re constantly meeting new faces and travelling alongside interesting people. We met Auggie, a young legend from Florida while free camping in a carpark in Tassie. Traveling solo in a Suburu Wagon, Auggie was full of character! We instantly got along and actually ended up travelling together from the Great Ocean Rd, all the way to Margaret River! Three months later and over 4,000kms of adventures together, we had become incredibly close with Auggie, someone who is now a lifelong friend of ours.
Any advice for people who wish to follow in your Troopy tracks?
Remove any expectations you may have during your travels and just take each day as it comes. Appreciate the great days but also appreciate the bad days because they usually lead you to incredible and unexpected opportunities. Don’t be afraid to live your life differently, sometimes others may not understand or agree with it. You can only do what you think is best according to your perceptions. So be wild, be different, be yourself.
When you stop to picnic and take it all in, what are your picnic essentials?
Picnics are almost a daily ritual on the road so having a good quality rug is definitely essential. We love our Native Wildflower Rug & Acacia cooler bag for those afternoon sunsets, dinners by the fire and lazy days on the beach.